There are 3 Major Types of Engine for the S-Series: LK0 – SOHC, TBI (’91-’94) 85 crank HP L24 – SOHC, MPFI (’95-’02) 100 crank HP LL0 – DOHC, MPFI (’91-’02) 124 crank HP SOHC = Single Overhead Cam (one … Continue reading
There are 3 Major Types of Engine for the S-Series: LK0 – SOHC, TBI (’91-’94) 85 crank HP L24 – SOHC, MPFI (’95-’02) 100 crank HP LL0 – DOHC, MPFI (’91-’02) 124 crank HP SOHC = Single Overhead Cam (one … Continue reading
In this DIY, we’ll be removing most of the stock air intake system, including the airbox lid and tubing leading to the throttlebody, on S-Series with multiport fuel injection on a horizontal intake manifold. Author: Jonathan Swain (aka “PurdueGuy”) Relevant … Continue reading
Saturns commonly have some troubles that benefit from a good throttlebody cleaning, including running rough and a sticking pedal. For a quick check to see if your throttlebody needs cleaned, push down on the quarter circle piece on the end … Continue reading